Time in Afghanistan Right Now?

Below you can see what is the local time in Afghanistan right now.

Current Time

Afghanistan Time Zone
UTC/GMT +4.30 hours

There is only one Afghanistan time zone, so we have only included one clock for Afghanistan. There is not daylight saving for Afghanistan.

Note that Afghanistan is on the half-hour. There are at 16 countries in the world choosing to split a time zone. Afghanistan is an hour ahead of Iran but a half-hour behind neighboring countries such as Turkmenistan and Pakistan.

Should you leave Afghanistan through the Wakhan, the remote north-eastern border with China, don’t forget to set your watch 3½ hours forward to Chinese Standard Time (UTC/GMT+8). This is the greatest time change on the planet; it appears possible to experience jet-lag by foot!.

Such a dramatic change is due to the fact that China has a single time zone. Time changes at China’s border with Tajikistan and Pakistan, both UTC/GMT+5 are almost as amazing.

So at the far eastern end of the Wakhan Corridor, on top of the Wakhjir Pass almost five km above sea level, you can look east 210 minutes (3.5 hours) into the future!

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